Friday 27 September, 2024

Bible Reading: Psalms 127
Theme: REST – 2

Text: Matthew 11:28
28. ‘Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.”

Word X-ray
God designed peace of mind for us to feel or have the taste of rest. We are blessed to enjoy sleep (rest and calmness) freely if we can apply it, you can plan weekend rest. God gives us grace to lie down in his fear (our souls returning to Him and reposing on Him as our rest; thereby gaining spiritual and mental rejuvenation). Another spiritual benefit of rest is trusting God and waiting on him patiently – Psalm 37:7.

God designed rest for us, and it was like an injunction that we may have better time for ourselves and with Him (Exs.20:10; Heb.4:8-9). Resting time is a reflection of your trust in God – allowing His Spirit to walk through your life and minister to your heart. To enjoy your life more and looking healthier: Reduce your stress and anxiety, prioritize your sleep (7-9 hours), you can break it! Two, have a scheduled downtime! Three, practice mindfulness (pay attention on purpose, set your mind off from unnecessary things! Four, disconnect yourself from technology (phones, computer and some internet activities)! Fifth, engage in calming activities. In conclusion, rest in the Lord and put your trust in God (Ps. 37:7). May you experience the rejuvenating power of rest✝️

Prayer Capsules
1. Father, help me prioritize rest and self-care.
2. Lord, grant me physical, mental, and spiritual renewal.
3. Lord, let my rest be a reflection of my trust in You in Jesus name.
4. Lord, help me to always experience the rejuvenating power of rest in Jesus name🔥

#Author: Rev’d Dr. Oluwatosin Oladoke
#SpreadTheGospel #ShareTheWord📖

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