REST – 1

Thursday 26 September, 2024

Bible Reading: Gen.2:1-3; Ps.127
Theme: REST – 1

Text: Genesis 2: 2-3
2 “On the seventh day God had finished his work of creation, so he rested from all his work. [NLT]

Word X-ray
Rest is an endowed blessing unto man – “For he grants sleep to those He loves.”(Ps.127:2). It’s a great grace to be blessed with God’s freshness, contentment, peace of mind and long life. It is unhealthy for you to deny yourself relief from work. Rest renews strength, boosts sound health and gives fresh mental health. To keep going and shining – you must rest from your daily labour to regain lost energy.

Rest is essential for physical, mental, and spiritual rejuvenation. Rest reduced stress and anxiety, improves focus and concentration and enhances emotional regulation. The spiritual benefits of rest: It gives inner peace, guidance and clarity, spiritual renewal, increased faith and deeper fellowship with God. Have your rest by sleeping, take vacation, create time for meditation and time for relaxation that you may enjoy natural and mental peace of mind and calmness for a longer and healthier life✝️

Prayer Capsules
1. Lord, break the yoke of hard labour without reward in my life in Jesus name.
2. Lord, endow me with grace to rule over wealth, money and material blessings.
3. Lord, bless me with spiritual and mental calmness for peace and rest.
4. Lord, grant me grace to lie down in peace🔥

#Author: Rev’d Dr. Oluwatosin Oladoke
#SpreadTheGospel #ShareTheWord📖

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