Friday 04 October, 2024

Bible Reading: Psalm 27

Text: Psalm 27:1
1. The lord is my light and my salvation— so why should I be afraid? The lord is my fortress, protecting me from danger, so why should I tremble? [NLT]

Word X-ray
Intimidation is the act of making one timid or fearful or of deterring by threats; the state of being intimidated. When God is your defense nothing should bring threats. Nothing must steal your peace or shake your heart. You have no cause to fear for threats; for God reigns and rules over powers, forces of darkness and principalities. God rules in heavens and controls the world (Ps.24:1-2). Often we waver between faith and fear. When God is fully in the affairs of our lives, there is assurance of peace, rest and serenity.

Don’t be scared of evil powers and agents of darkness. Daniel and the three Hebrews displayed true examples of how one can refuse intimidation. They have enough courage to dare humiliation and scorn; they refused to bow for gods of Babylon. Jehovah controls the light and darkness! Darkness is under His feet, and he made it His secret place, and sets light ahead Himself (Ps.18: 9,11-12). That is your God! When all seems dark and solidly cloudy, let your heart not shake! Rest on God, be firm, rely and depend on His word. When God is on your side, what will enemies do to you? Storms and threats shall calm. Remain Blessed✝️

Prayer Capsules
1. Lord, strengthen my faith that I may deal with every fear and threats.
2. Lord, anoint me with power to subdue intimidations and strange distractions.
3. Lord, load me with total confidence in You.
4. Lord, deliver me from household and environmental enemies🔥

#Author: Rev’d Dr. Oluwatosin Oladoke
#SpreadTheGospel #ShareTheWord📖

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