Saturday 1 December, 2018

Bible Reading: Isaiah 35: 1-10


Text Landmark: Isaiah 35: 10

10. “And the ransomed of the LORD shall return, and come to Zion with songs and everlasting joy

upon their heads: they shall obtain joy and gladness, and sorrow and sighing shall flee away.”

Word X-RAY

Pains, sufferings and life chanllenges has its own duration and also its time to fizzle out. Isaiah

revealed the future of the saints in Zion prophetically; probably a new life that we shall experience

in God’s kingdom. God shall rescue His people and they shall return singing.

The Bible says they (we) shall return, and come back to Zion… The end of this way (see vs.9)

shall be everlasting joy… because lions of this world shall be silenced. Here is the good news for

the citizens of Zion. God will open to us a door of escape out of our captivity. We shall join ourselves to the church of the glad tidings, the city of the living God, Heb.23;22. We shall rejoice in

Christ Jesus, and they that mourn are blessed, for we shall be comforted.

When God’s people returned out of Babylon to Zion, there came weeping (Jer.50:4), but they shall

come to God’s throne (heaven & His habitation) singing a new song, which no man can learn, Rev.

14:3. Our joy shall be visible and no longer a secret thing, as it here in this world; it shall be proclaimed to the glory of God. Our joyful hopes and prospects of eternal life should swallow up both

all the sorrows, pains, sufferings and all the joys of this present time; and this journey shall be a

sweet, sweet end.

Prayer Capsules

1. Lord, help me to end well in the journey of this life in Jesus name!

2. Father, grant me perfect respite and relieve from my pains and sufferings!

3. Lord, make my joy visible and let my celebration be noticed in Jesus name!

4. Lord, grant me unfailing hope and assurance of eternal life in Jesus name!

5. Lord, carry me high on your shoulder, filled with joy, happiness and glory in Jesus name!

Author: Rev’d Oluwatosin Michael Oladoke

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Facebook page: Bethel Global Church; Tosin Oladoke

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