Wednesday 25 September, 2024

Bible Reading: Matthew 2: 1-18
[Why Herod Was Worried About Jesus’ Birth]

Text: Matthew 2:16
16. “Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men.”

Word X-ray
Herod the king of the Jews, killed all the boys under two years of age in an obsessive attempt to kill Jesus, the newborn King whose birth became a nightmare and threat to him. He stained his hands with blood, in his desperate intention to get rid of Christ Jesus as a baby – but he failed to succeed over the plan. Herod was king by human choice; Jesus is Lord and King by divine appointment. No one can overrule or change God’s plan for mankind.

Herod was afraid of Christ’d divine Kingship. His fear was that Christ would one day take his throne and rule from the earthly palace. Satan completely hates Christ’s mission and purpose on earth. Jesus is not after Herod’s throne; He is the King and the light of the world. Jesus would give Herod and his likes an eternal life. He is passionate about our fellowship with God the Father, endowing us a lasting blessings and eternal treasures. The likes of Herod would deny their captives freedom and liberty – but Jesus will give life abundantly – John 10:10-11! Jesus wants to give us genuine freedom, joy and peace. Christ must not be your nightmare – he is not a threat to us. Celebrate him, worship, love and give Him the throne of your life✝️

Prayer Capsules
1. Lord, reign and take dominion over my life.
2. Lord, let your glory overshadow my entirety. 3. Lord, let your beauty and majesty reveal a new me in Jesus name.
4. Lord, give me boldness and confidence;
grant me real freedom, peace, and joy✝️

#Author: Rev’d Dr. Oluwatosin Oladoke
#SpreadTheGospel #ShareTheWord📖

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