Sunday 2 December, 2018

Bible Reading: Joshua 10: 1-26


Text Landmark: Joshua 10: 25

25. “And Joshua said unto them, Fear not, nor be dismayed, be strong and of good courage: for

thus shall the LORD do to all your enemies against whom ye fight.”

Word X-RAY

The presence of fear is an indication that devil is rulling… Boldness, faith, fearlessness and confidence tells that God is rulling. Nothing is achieved when you are filled with the spirit of fear. God’s miraculous works are easily executed and made manifested in the lives of the fearless, courageous and bold people.

He would encourage the faith of His people in reference to the wars and battles that were yet before them. God will always build confidence in those who rely on Him. You need not to fear in the cause of your destiny fulfilment. Devil and your enemies are well intimidated by your life endeavors and aspirations. You are fearfully and wonderfully made… PS.139: 14.

With God’s help, Isreal won the battle against five Amorite armies. Such a triumph was part of God’s daily business as He worked with His people for victory. Joshua told his men never to be afraid because God would give them similar victories over all their enemies. God has often protected us and won victories for us.

The same God who empowered Joshua and who has led us in the past will help us with our present and future needs. Reminding ourselves of His help in the past will give us hope for the struggles that lie ahead.

Prayer Capsules

1. Holy Spirit, empower me with the Spirit of boldness and power in Jesus name!

2. Lord, anoint my spirit, body and soul with oil of boldness and courage in Jesus name!

3. Every negative spirit and hopeless thought in me, be erased by the blood of Jesus

4. Lord, disgrace every battle targeted to ruin my life and glory in Jesus name!

5. Father, endow my life with wisdom and grace to get rid of enemies’s threat in Jesus name!

Author: Rev’d Oluwatosin Mike Oladoke

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Facebook Page: Bethel Global Church; Tosin Oladoke



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