Monday 1 January, 2018

Bible Reading: Isaiah 43: 1 – 21


Text Landmark: Isaiah: 43: 18 – 19

18: “Remember ye not the former things, neither consider the things of old. 19: Behold, I will do a new thing; now it shall spring forth; shall ye not know it? I will even make a way in the wilderness, and rivers in the desert.”


A new life will always manifest through a new journey! Israel’s exodus would take place through a new desert, and they are to go through a seemingly new experience in an unknown desert. God designed this journey for them… The past miracles were nothing compared to what God would do for his people (you in particular) any moment from now and in the nearest future. 

God moves and act in diverse and mysterious ways! He is a dynamic and great God, he is a creator and an inventor, hence, doing something new and uncommon isn’t a big deal. This portion of the scripture was a reference to Israel’s deliverance from Egypt, prophet Isaiah was making reference to this as this section pictures a new exodus for a people once again oppressed, as the Israelites had been as slaves in Egypt before their massive exodus. But now with another experience in Babylon, he promises not only to deliver them out of Babylon, but to conduct them safely and comfortably to their own land.

Nothing good is expected to be experienced in the desert, except acute dryness; many deserts never has water or rivers… Desert is known to be a wasteland, wilderness, a desolate, uninhabited, uncultivated, barren, wild, infertile, sterile, dry and solitary place. God promised the dwellers of this land (mostly wild animals) a new life. When you are living a desert or deserted life, a wild and tough life is experienced. You live like a beggar when you are in the desert, you are deserted and forgotten, hopelessness is experienced; the common thoughts and experiences of dwellers of desert is sorrow, pains, rejection, sickness, divorce, loss of job, no or low sales, joblessness, frustration and death (etc). Behold, you are about to experience a new thing, a new life, a fresh air will blow. Waters shall spring forth, new ways and great doors shall open. Your desert shall produce rivers (vs19-20), and you shall drink waters of restoration, great recovery, harvest of joy, laughter, songs of joy, promotion, fruitfulness, breakthroughs name it. Beloved, forget your past days of wilderness and pains. Behold, your new seasons of unlimited and unprecedented joy has come. Celebrate!!!


1. Father, turn my wilderness to a land of milk and honey!

2. Father, do a new and great thing in every facets of my life!

3. Lord, break every yoke of wilderness in my life!

4. Lord, turn my pains to profits of blessings in Jesus name!

5. Father, do something profitable and fruitful in my life!

6. O my past years of lost, turn to new years of great profit and massive turnover in Jesus name!


#Inspired by HOLY SPIRIT

#Author: Rev’d Oluwatosin Mike Oladoke

#FacebookPage: “Bethel Global Church”

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