Tuesday 15th October, 2024

Bible Reading: Matthew 4: 1 – 11

Text: Matthew: 4: 8 – 9
8. “Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them; 9: And saith unto him, All these things will I give thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me.”

Word X-ray
Don’t fall for or worship Satan (world)! God has made devil to serve you.You are gods – Psalm. 82:6. You are made and blessed to be fruitful, multiply, increase, rule and dominate – Gen.1:28. Jesus cleared this with Satan! It takes a child of God who is discernible, careful, calm, watchful, simple, prayerful, sensitive, focused, contented and self-disciplined to sense devil’s craftiness and deceits; and overcome his temptations.

Care must be taken not to fall into devil’s trap of covetousness. Pressures will come, temptations will press on you – don’t be deceived neither, be contented! Jesus knew the Devil’s offer and his trap. He knew it was a plan to destroy his ministry and destiny. You are designed to rule the world, you are not to a subject to devil’s fake, juicy and lofty gifts. All these are yours. Should devil offer you the creation which belongs to your Father? It’s not his! What a deception! Don’t be enticed with fake material lifestyle! You have been empowered to rule (Gen 1:28). Nothing must satisfy you more than God. (Joseph was not interested in with Potiphar’s wife offer – Gen.39:7-9). Devil’s gift are wrapped with lies and deceptions. Be watchful🛐

Prayer Capsules
1. Lord, help me to always escape devil’s traps.
2. Lord, bless me with wisdom to overcoming temptations in Jesus name.
3. Lord, bless me with contentment and self satisfaction – nothing must entice me.
4. Lord, bless me with power that resist devil🔥

#Author: Rev’d Dr. Oluwatosin Oladoke
#SpreadTheGospel #ShareTheWord📖

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